Renewing Ourselves

Table of Contents

RenewU Medical is now R3 HEALTH.\"\"

My personal goal as a healthcare provider has always been to create a patient-centered wellness and medical community, delivering full-fledged total body Integrative medicine. By taking every measure to create a medical, beauty, and wellness journey for our patients, we have successfully grown throughout the years – thanks to you!

At this time, we are excited to share with you a glimpse of our brand update.

Although we will look different, our core values and fundamentals remain the same.

Over the next few weeks, you will notice updates to our website, social media channels, emails, mobile app, supplements, and prescription bottles.

About R3 Health

R3 represents and expands upon the 3 core modalities of what RenewU Medical is: RenewU Med, RenewU Beauty, and RenewU Regen.

The delta icon replaces the A in ‘HEALTH’; this represents the scientific and mathematical symbol for change as we want people to harness their ability to induce their own change.

The delta symbol is all-encompassing when linked to our logo as we also want our members to understand that change is inevitable – but it’s not a bad thing. Your body will change and we are here to help you best adapt to it.

As always, at R3 Health, we aim to not only help you live your best life in the midst of your body\’s natural changes, but we also aim to reconfigure how the healthcare system treats you. As we focus on our core values we want to emphasize and motivate our community to take control of your health by Restoring Your Autonomy.

This means giving you the tools needed to educate yourself and make the best-informed decision regarding your health journey.

We are excited to share these new changes with you.

Joseph Radich
Founder & Medical Director


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